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dc.contributor.authorФедчишин, Надія Орестівна-
dc.contributor.authorFedchyshyn, Nadiya Orestivna-
dc.identifier.citationДидактична система Йоганна Фрідріха Гербарта та її вплив на розвиток вітчизняної освіти [Текст] : дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.01 / Федчишин Надія Орестівна ; Терноп. нац. екон. ун-т. - Т., 2009. - 252 арк. - Бібліогр.: арк. 228-252.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractАНОТАЦІЇ Федчишин Н. О. Дидактична система Иоганна Фрідріха Гербарта та її вплив на розвиток вітчизняної освіти. - Рукопис. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата педагогічних наук із спеціальності 13.00.01 - загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки. - Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника. - Івано-Франківськ, 2009. У дисертації системно проаналізовано педагогічну діяльність И.-Ф. Гербарта, розкрито його вплив на розвиток педагогічної теорії й практики багатьох країн. Дослідження освітньої діяльності ученого свідчить, що вивчення і впровадження його дидактичних поглядів у практиці стали важливим етапом розвитку педагогічної думки Німеччини другої половини XVIII - першої половини XIX ст. У роботі розкрито основні положення теорії освіти И.-Ф. Гербарта, ідею виховуючого навчання; вказано на доцільність застосування чотирьох формальних ступенів навчання; наголошено на основах психологічної педагогіки; розвитку різносторонніх інтересів як чільних завдань навчання. Обгрунтовано проблеми змісту, методів навчання, охарактеризовано психологізацію навчального процесу, доцільну підготовку вчителя до організації навчально-виховної діяльності, а також вплив дидактичної системи И.-Ф. Гербарта на розвиток теорії й практики навчання загалом. Ключові слова: И.-Ф. Гербарт, виховуюче навчання, зміст, методи навчання, навчальний процес, учитель. Fedchyshyn N. О. The didactic system of J. F. Herbart and its influence on the development of home education. - Manuscript Dissertation on obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.01. - General Pedagogics and History of Pedagogics.-Prykarpatsky National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2009. In the dissertation J. F. Herbart's pedagogical activity as well as his influence on the development of pedagogical theory and practice of many countries in the world have been systematically analyzed. In Chapter I the regularities of the formation and the development of education in the country in XVTn and the first half of XIX century have been analyzed, preconditions and socially important factors as well as the influence on the formation of worldview and pedagogical views of the classic of German pedagogics have been determined. At the time polemics about the reform of the system of education entered a new phase of the overcoming of draw backs for the sake of achieving harmonious combination of all-round development of pupils intellectual and physical in particular. School education in Germany was grounded on teaching children to read, write and understand Bible. On the grounds of the results of primary source analysis the main stages of life and pedagogical creativity of the pedagogue have been traced and the importance of his practical pedagogical activity on the position of a tutor and in the seminary have been well-founded. In general it was a peculiar experimental data set for his pedagogical theory. As a result of such activity J.F. Herbart became the founder of Pedagogics as an independent and professional science. Despite considerable theoretical and practical work (the creation of author pedagogical conception; the argumentation of Pedagogics group of young pedagogues) J.F. Herbart failed to embody his recommendations into reformation of school system. We can see the reason of such situation in the fact that the representatives of the scientific school created by him were not able to cognize the prognostication of his theoretical judgments. Then the profundity of his teaching was canonized by him as constant and dogmatic. In Chapter II it has been proved that pedagogical views of the German classic were right fully considered as an original pedagogical paradigm. We have specified new aspects of the content and methods of teaching as well as pedagogical initiatives of the scientist-pedagogue. It is known that the main principles of his pedagogical views based themselves not only on his long-lived experience of practical activity but also on the results of thorough analysis of educational process in German schools. We have analyzed the modeling of the curriculum in two directions: naturalistic – the cognition of nature (Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Natural Science, Drawing and Singing) and historical – the cognition of a person (foreign languages, Literature, History and Religion). In this chapter research works of J.F. Herbart have been analyzed. It has been ascertained that he became the founder of psychological pedagogics. Hawing worked out the prominent tasks in the course of results expected in future it not only gave impulse but also became the basis of Herbart’s psychology. The ideas of J.F. Herbart have been analyzed according to consideration of psychological principle in the distribution of subjects in accordance with stages (clarity, association, system, method). In Chapter III pedagogical principles of the scientist’s heritage as well as expediency and necessity of its usage in educational process of a modern secondary school have been analyzed. Considering the correlation between teaching and upbringing J.F. Herbart introduced the term “educational teaching” (1806) and paid attention to the fact that teaching is not always pedagogical and accordingly specified that it Concerns only educational, the pivot of which is cognition. J.F. Herbart commented on teaching in the light of upbringing as a result of critical analysis of the history of pedagogical thought. Key words: J.F. Herbart, educational teaching, contents, teaching фmethods, educational process, teacher.uk_UA
dc.subjectЙ.-Ф. Гербартuk_UA
dc.subjectJ.F. Herbartuk_UA
dc.subjectвиховуюче навчанняuk_UA
dc.subjecteducational teachinguk_UA
dc.subjectметоди навчанняuk_UA
dc.subjecteducational processuk_UA
dc.titleДидактична система Йоганна Фрідріха Гербарта та її вплив на розвиток вітчизняної освітиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe didactic system of J. F. Herbart and its influence on the development of home educationuk_UA
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